by Lloyd D. Johnston, PhD; Patrick M. O'Malley, PhD; Jerald G. Bachman, PhD; John E. Schulenberg, PhD -- Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2009, xxxiv, 721p.
The Monitoring the Future (MTF) study is an ongoing series of national surveys of American adolescents and emerging adults that has provided a window into the patterns and behaviors around illegal drug use, alcohol use, tobacco use, anabolic steroid use, and psychotherapeutic drug use for nearly 35 years. Results from the 2008 surveys administered to 8th, 10th, and 12th graders are contained in volume 1; data on college students and adults will be reported in a second volume to be published shortly.
Two major topics addressed by the MTF surveys are the prevalence and frequency of drug use among American secondary school students, and the historical trends of that use. Distinctions are made among important demographic subgroups (gender, region, race/ethnicity, etc.) and data on grade of first use, trends in use at lower grade levels, attitudes and beliefs about drug use, and intensity of drug use are reported in separate chapters.
Up-to-date information about the Monitoring the Future study can be found on the MTF web site: This site contains a full listing of all publications from the study, including the full text of this volume. (9.86MB).